Teaching Practice

Teaching practice courses; These are the courses that are carried out in order to ensure that teacher candidates are better prepared for the teaching profession, and to gain the competence to use the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors related to the general culture, special field education and teaching profession they have acquired during their education in official education institutions and private education institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.

Teaching practice courses are completed in two semesters as Teaching Practice-I in the fall semester of the fourth grade and Teaching Practice-II in the spring semester. The theoretical part of these courses is carried out in the form of interviews with the lecturer responsible for the course. The implementation part takes place under the guidance of practice teachers in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.

In the Teaching Practice-I course, pre-service teachers observe the teachers and students in the school environment, try to learn the organizational structure of the school, what tasks the administrators carry out, examine the physical conditions of the school and its relations with the society in which it is located, and make observations about the teaching methods and techniques specific to the field. They have the opportunity to apply methods and techniques related to teaching chemistry. Thus, pre-service teachers get to know the school environment and gain their first experience about the teaching profession. In the Teaching Practice-II course, pre-service teachers make observations about teaching methods and techniques specific to the field; making individual and group micro-teaching practices using field-specific special teaching methods and techniques; They take a more active role in developing field-specific activities and materials, preparing teaching environments, managing the classroom, measuring, evaluating and reflecting. At the end of the term, in-school activities are evaluated by the instructor and teacher. In addition, candidates report their work and present it to the instructor.

In Teaching Practice courses, the Faculty-School Cooperation Guide, which is prepared to be used in the courses related to teacher education in Education Faculties, is used within the scope of YÖK World Bank National Education Development Project Pre-Service Teacher Training. This guide can be accessed at https://www.yok.gov.tr/Documents/Yayinlar/Yayinlarimiz/Fakulte-Okul-Isbirligi.pdf.

A directive is prepared by the Schools Implementation Commission, which is formed by the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Teacher Training and Education and includes university lecturers and representatives of various units of the Ministry of National Education, regarding the practice studies that teacher candidates will carry out in schools. This directive covers the aims, principles and methods of the students of higher education institutions that train teachers in the education and training institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, and the duties and responsibilities of the parties. The most recent version of this directive has been published in the September 2021 issue of the Journal of Notifications of the Ministry of National Education. This directive can be accessed at 1049 Ministry of National Education Announcements Journal, September 2021.

Students can access the documents they need during the teaching practice below.


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